Last week I decided to install some forums engine for my web site. A few years ago I used Microsoft's starter kit for forums on one of our other sites. That code was done in Microsoft .Net 1.1. Now I needed to look for some code base that was done using latest and greatest changes to .Net framework (3.5 or higher). Finally I ran into Yet Another Forum (YAF). After doing a quick review of the code base it looked promising and I decided to install it. During the installation I ran into some minor snags. So I thought I will share some experience here for benefit of our readers.
First I will recommend the instructions on YAF site. It provides very elaborate instructions on what components to download and where to put. I am just going to cover the topics that may need some more explanation. Mind it that these instructions are when you are compiling the source code yourself and then deploying the application.
These are all the config files you got to modify to install YAF.
After you have completed installtion I will strongly recommend removing Install folder from the application or secure it by putting a web.config file that restricts access to authorized users. If you do not do it, then you leave the room open for a hacker to launch installer which will attempt to modify your installation. Installation will not work without admin password but you still leave room open for somebody to guess password and possibly trash your site.
Here is link to blog that I installed using these instructions. ByteBlocks Forums.
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